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Accessibility Statement


At Artistic Muse Home Studio LLC, we are committed to ensuring a usable and inclusive website experience for all users. We strive to adhere to accessibility standards and guidelines to make our website accessible to individuals with disabilities. We believe in providing equal access to information and aim to create a positive user experience for everyone.

Efforts to Improve Accessibility:


  1. Design and Layout: We have taken steps to ensure a clear and consistent design layout that is easy to navigate. Our website has been designed with a focus on readability and user-friendly navigation.

  2. Alternative Text: Images on our website are accompanied by alternative text (alt text) descriptions, allowing users with screen readers or those who have disabled images to understand the content and context.

  3. Keyboard Accessibility: We have implemented keyboard-accessible navigation throughout our website, enabling users to navigate and interact with our site using only a keyboard.

  4. Color Contrast: We have made efforts to maintain sufficient color contrast between text and background elements to enhance readability and accommodate users with visual impairments.

  5. Captioning and Transcripts: Where applicable, we provide captions for videos and transcripts for audio content to ensure that users with hearing impairments can access the information.

  6. Responsive Design: Our website is designed to be responsive and compatible with various devices and screen sizes, allowing users to access our content easily regardless of the device they use.

  7. Testing and Evaluation: We regularly test our website for accessibility and usability, utilizing tools and techniques to identify and address any accessibility issues that may arise.

  8. Continued Efforts: We understand that accessibility is an ongoing endeavor, and we are committed to continuously improving the accessibility of our website. We will regularly review our practices and update our website to ensure compliance with evolving accessibility standards and guidelines.

  9. Contact Us: If you encounter any accessibility barriers while using our website or have suggestions for improvement, we value your feedback. Please contact us at to share your insights and help us enhance the accessibility of our website.

Accessibility is important to us, and we appreciate your support and understanding as we work towards providing an inclusive online experience for all users.


Last updated: 17May23

Artistic Muse Home Studio LLC

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